Sunday, February 4

Colts are World Champions!!

WOO-HOO! WOO-HOO! WOO-HOO! World Champions, after 36 years of waiting!!

Wow -- what a team effort. After years of swamping opponents with overwhelming offensive power much of the time, this year proved to be different. Winning a majority of their games by a touchdown or less, the Colts came together as a team. The playoff wins were proof of that, and a catalyst for further tightening as a team.


Sunday, January 21


Wow -- what a game! The monkey (gorilla?) is gone, and Manning's Colts are headed to the Super Bowl!


Saturday, January 13

Colts! The *Indianapolis* Colts!

The Colts -- high-powered offense, allegedly porous defense -- are held without touchdowns, and still win the game! What?!

With the Colts playing a game on the road in Baltimore, it was fun to hear how many times they were called the "Baltimore Colts" by the various announcers. I heard that phrase at least one time each on the radio, the TV, and in the TV postgame show.

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Friday, January 5

Fear of silence

I was in the locker room of the YMCA the other day following my morning workout. There were only a few other guys in there, so it was a quiet place at the time. But not for long. One of the guys fired up the music player of his mobile phone to foist country music on the rest of us while he was getting dressed. And he's done this several different days I've been there.

What is it with our culture that we cannot stand silence?

Saturday, June 24

Roly Poly Fish Heads

Me: (Wandering down the hall, whistling "Fish Heads" by Barnes & Barnes)
She: (from elsewhere in the house) "Are you singing 'Fish Heads'?"
Me: (only somewhat disingenuously) "No..."
She: "That wasn't 'Fish Heads'?"
Me: "I wasn't singing!"


Tuesday, May 30

We can work it...oh, nevermind

Has anyone else noticed how often the Beatles' "We Can Work It Out" is on the radio, now that the news of Paul McCartney's marriage breakup has surfaced?

Thursday, May 25

Wow -- stereo!

We recently took a long trip by car and decided to rent a car instead of taking one from our own aging fleet. We ended up with a very well appointed Buick Lucerne. The sound system in that car was amazing. At the end of that trip we picked up and drove home the 1993 Ford Crown Victoria my dad was selling. Talk about contrast! One interesting point of contrast: While the Lucerne's speaker covers in the doors have little plaques citing "Harmon Kardon", the Crown Vic's speaker covers proudly proclaim "Stereo" -- as if in 1993 it was still a big deal to get a stereo radio in an upscale American car.


Wednesday, May 10

Selling drugs from a boat

Does anyone else see the irony in a TV commercial featuring someone fishing from a boat, while trying to sell us a drug whose name is one vowel away from "capSIZin'"?


Thursday, April 27

Goofy sports team names

What's the deal with singular nouns as sports team names? It leads to all kinds of unnatural mixing of words. What do you call a member of the "Shock"? A "Shocker"; a "Shockite"; a "Shockette"? (It is a women's team.) How about a member of the "Avalanche" -- what on earth do you call him? That's kooky talk!

Fortunately, the mainstream sports seem to have avoided this silliness, and I don't follow soccer, WNBA, hockey, or other sports prone to such naming.
